Middle Wing Books List Go Back

6thCelebrations -6Subject - English
Publisher - Creative Kids Edu
6thNew Mastering Grammar - 6 RevisedSubject - English
Publisher - Creative Kids Edu
6thTune in-6Subject - English Listening & Speaking Skills
Publisher - Collins
6thLongman Reading Comprehension & Composition - 6Subject - English
Publisher - Pearson
6thBal Ram KathaSubject - Hindi
Publisher - Saraswati
6thSahaj Hindi Vyakaran - 6Subject - Hindi Grammar
Publisher - Cordova
6thAsha - 6Subject - Hindi
Publisher - Creative Kids Edu
6th Suprabhatam Sanskrit (NEP) - 6Subject - Sanskrit
Publisher - Cordova
6thAabshaar Urdu Part-1 Subject - Urdu
Publisher - Jammu Kashmir Board of School Education
6th*So Geht Das-1 C/BSubject - German
Publisher - Saraswati
6th*Francis "Cest Facile Methode De Francais for Beginners"Subject - French
Publisher - Langer
6thMap Practice Geography & History-6 (Revised)Subject - Social Science
Publisher - Viva
6thMy wonderful book of Social Science-6 (Revised)Subject - Social Science
Publisher - Cordova
6thLearning Science 2.0-6Subject - Science
Publisher - Creative Kids Edu
6thMathematics Made Easy - 6(Revised)Subject - Maths
Publisher - Creative Kids Edu
6thComputer With AI 2.0-6Subject - Computer
Publisher - Creative Kids Edu
6thColours & Craft - 6Subject - Art & Craft
Publisher - Viva
6thG.K. Times - 6Subject - G.K.
Publisher - Goyal Brothers
6thMy Beautiful Life- 6Subject - Value Education
Publisher - Pearson
6thPerfect Science Assessments- 6Subject - CBE Science
Publisher - Collins
7thHoneycomb - 7Subject - English
Publisher - NCERT
7thNew Mastering Grammar (NEP)-7Subject - English Grammar
Publisher - Creative Kids Edu
7thTune in-7Subject - English Listening & Speaking Skills
Publisher - Collins
7thLongman Reading Comprehension & Composition-7Subject - English
Publisher - Pearson
7thBal MahabharatSubject - Hindi
Publisher - Saraswati
7thSahaj Hindi Vyakaran - 7Subject - Hindi Grammar
Publisher - Cordova
7thVasant - 2Subject - Hindi
Publisher - NCERT
7th*Idees Methode de francais - 1Subject - French
Publisher - Langer
7thSuprabhatam Sanskrit (NEP) - 7Subject - Sanskrit Publisher - Cordova
7thAabshaar Urdu Part-2 Subject - Urdu Publisher - Jammu Kashmir Board of School Education
7th*So Geht Das-2 C/BSubject - German
Publisher - Saraswati
7thMy wonderful book of Social Science-7 (Revised)Subject - Social Science
Publisher - Cordova
7thMap Practice Geography & History-7 (Revised)Subject - Social Science
Publisher - Viva
7thLearning Science 2.0-7Subject - Science Publisher - Creative Kids Edu
7thMathematics Made Easy - 7Subject - Maths Publisher - Creative Kids Edu
7thComputers With AI 2.0 - 7Subject - Computer
Publisher - Creative Kids Edu
7thColours & Craft - 7Subject - Art & Craft
Publisher - Viva
7thG.K. Times - 7Subject - G.K. Publisher - Goyal Brothers
7thMy Beautiful Life - 7Subject - Value Education Publisher - Pearson
7thPerfect Science Assessment-7Subject - CBE Science
Publisher - Collins
8thHoneydew - 8Subject - English
Publisher - NCERT
8thNew Mastering Grammar-8Subject - English Grammar
Publisher - Creative Kids Edu
8thTune in-8Subject - English Listening & Speaking Skills
Publisher - Collins
8thLongman Reading Comprehension & Composition-8Subject - English
Publisher - Pearson
8thManikarnikaSubject - Hindi
Publisher - Harbour Press
8thSahaj Hindi Vyakaran - 8Subject - Hindi Publisher - Cordova
8thVasant-3Subject - Hindi
Publisher - NCERT
8th*Bharistan-e-Urdu (Part-4)Subject - Urdu
Publisher - The State Board of School Education
8thSuprabhatam Sanskrit (NEP)-8Subject - Sanskrit
Publisher - Cordova
8th*Idees Methode de Francais-2Subject - French
Publisher - Langer
8th*So Geht Das-3 C/BSubject - German
Publisher - Saraswati
8thMy wonderful book of Social Science-8 (Revised)Subject - Social Science
Publisher - Cordova
8thMap Practice Geography & History-8 (Revised)Subject - Social Science
Publisher - Viva
8thLearning Science 2.0- 8Subject - Science
Publisher - Creative Kids Edu
8thMathematics Made Easy- 8Subject - Maths Publisher - Creative Kids Edu
8thComputers With AI 2.0-8Subject - Computer Publisher - Creative Kids Edu
8thColours & CraftSubject - Art & Craft
Publisher - Viva
8thGK Times - 8Subject - G.K.
Publisher - Goyal Brothers
8thMy Beautiful Life - 8Subject - Value Education
Publisher- Pearson
8thPerfect Science Assessments-8Subject - CBE- Science
Publisher - Collins
6thGuntesh Punjabi Pathmala-O Subject - Punjabi Publisher - Vihaan Publication

1. Parents are free to purchase the books from any book store as per their own convenience

2. The school has prescribed NCERT text books and books published by the private publishers. Further, utmost care has been taken care in the selection of books and there is no objectionable content that hurts the feelings of any class, community, gender or any religious groups in society. This is for the information of the general public.

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