House System

There are five Houses in the school - Chenab, Ganga, Jhelum, Yamuna, Tawi. Every student of class XII on admission is placed in one of these houses. House system is introduced to encourage greater participation of the students in the school activities in an organized manner. Each House is supervised by a House Teacher incharge assisted by other teacher assigned to the House. To encourage leadership qualities among the students. House appointments are made. Each house has a boy and a girl as House Captains. Depending upon the need other appointments can be made. Points are awarded to the houses throughout the year for extracurricular activities, games and sports. At the end of the year houses gaining the highest number of points are awarded running trophies. Inter house competitions are organized in games and sports. Dramatics, Debates, Quiz, Art and Music.

S.No. Month House On Duty
1. April, 2019 Ganga
2. May, 2019 Jhelum
3. July, 2019 Tawi
4. August, 2019 Yamuna
5. September, 2019 Chenab
6. October, 2019 Ganga
7. November, 2019 Jhelum
8. December, 2019 Tawi
9. January, 2020 Yamuna
10. February, 2020 Chenab
11. March, 2020 Ganga

Appoinment of students are done at 3 levels to foster leadership qualities among students.


S.No. School Appointments Class
1. Head (Boy) XII
2. Head (Girl) XII
3. Vice Head (Boy) XI
4. Vice Head (Girl) XI
5. Sports Captain (Boy) XI
6. Sports Captain (Girl) XI
7. Cultural Secretary (Boy) XI
8. Cultural Secretary (Girl) XI
9. Editor (Boy) XI
10. Editor (Girl) XI
11. Creative Editor (Boy) IX
12. Creative Editor (Girl) IX
13. Assistant Editor (Boy) IX
14. Assistant Editor (Girl) IX
15. CLUB Reporter (2 positions) VIII
16. School Prefects (Boys) VI to XII
17. School Prefects VI to XII
18. Environment Club Secretary (Boy) IX to XII
19. Environment Club Secretary (Girl) IX to XII

House Appointments (For each house)

S.No. School Appointments Class
1. House Captain (Boy) XI
2. House Captain (Girl) XI
3. Vice House Captain (Boy) IX
4. Vice House Captain (Girl) IX
5. Perfects VIII, IX