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DPS Jammu Celebrates Physics Fest - PHYSENTIA 2024

Saturday, May 18, 2024

With the primary aim of engaging students in the realm of STEM, Delhi Public School Jammu organized an Inter-House Physics Festival, PHYSENTIA 2024, for the students of classes IX to XII on May 15, 2024. The theme of the festival was “An odyssey through space-time, a trip to the cosmos,” focusing on three main topics: the nature of light, relativity, and dark matter and energy.
The program commenced with the auspicious lighting of the ceremonial lamp, followed by a captivating skit titled “SciStage,” directed by Saanvi Anand. This unique blend of physics and theatre creatively portrayed the evolution of scientific principles over millennia, highlighting contributions from both Western and Indian scientists. The performance underscored the interdisciplinary nature of learning and showcased the students' talents.
A total of 35 participants represented the five houses of the school, actively engaging in all three events: Pen on Fabric, Beyond the Pages, and Quest for Cosmos.
Pen on Fabric combined scientific exploration with imaginative thinking, allowing participants to push the boundaries of our understanding of the universe. They painted scenarios of possibilities if fundamental constants of the universe were altered, engaging in meaningful discussions and cross-questioning.
Beyond the Pages saw teams delving into intriguing topics often left unexplored in standard educational settings. Each team submitted a set of self-prepared questions that transcended conventional academic boundaries. During the event, the questions were swapped among teams, who were then given 10 minutes to devise their approach and answer them to the audience's and judges’ logical and rational satisfaction. This event encouraged deep contemplation and rigorous debate.
Quest for Cosmos was an exciting inter-house quiz designed to challenge students and broaden their knowledge in STEM fields. It comprised four rounds: One Question, One Answer (MCQs), Rapid Fire, Triple Trouble, and Fact or Fiction. This quiz tested participants' understanding of various STEM concepts in a dynamic and engaging format.
The winners for ‘Pen on Fabric’ were Radharaman and Saksham from Chenab House. Jayant and Vansh from Ganga House won ‘Beyond the Pages,’ while Sufiyaan, Areeba, and Bhavya from Ganga House triumphed in ‘Quest for Cosmos.’ Winners were felicitated with books and merit certificates, while all participants received participation certificates.The overall Rolling trophy for PHYSENTIA 2024 was bagged by Chenab House.
Principal Ms. Ruchi Chabra, in her address, emphasized the importance of scientific curiosity and innovation in today's world. She encouraged students to view science not just as a subject but as a way of thinking, urging them to question the world around them and seek out new discoveries. She congratulated the Physics faculty, Ms. Manika Verma, Mr. Mandeep Singh, and Mr. Prashant Verma, for igniting a passion for inquiry and innovation among students through events like PHYSENTIA.
The Headmaster, Mr. Ravi Kotroo, highlighted the critical and creative thinking skills displayed by the students. He expressed, “It is heartening to see our students embody these qualities.” Also present on the occasion was Deputy Headmaster/Chief Coordinator, Mr. Umesh Sharma.
Club head Panshul Gupta also delivered an inspiring speech, expressing gratitude to all members of the Eureka Physics Club for their tireless efforts in making the program a success. The vote of thanks was delivered by Ms. Manika Verma, Head of the Physics Department. The program concluded with the instrumental rendition of the national anthem.
The esteemed management, DPS Jammu, Hon’ble President-RCT, Sh. M.K Ajatshatru Singh Ji, Distinguished PVC-Kunwarani Dr. Ritu Singh Ji, and Hon’ble Director Sh. S.S. Sodhi Ji, congratulated the Principal and staff for the successful conduct of the event and extended their best wishes to students and staff for their future endeavours.